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Summer Virtual Entrepreneurial Training Program

Tue, Jul 11 5:30 PM to 8:30 AM
8 sessions ending Tue, Sep 5

This event has been canceled

Topic: Managing a Business


Entrepreneurial Training Program (ETP) is offered by the Wisconsin Small Business Development Center's UW-Stevens Point center​. It is a 9 week course that provides an easy to follow, step by step process that shows you how to:

Answer the question – "Will people buy my product or service?" Appeal to more customers Use time, money, and resources wisely​​​​ Through instruction and guest speakers, the course serves those who are considering starting a business, owners of existing businesses struggling to get a handle on all the details, and those with successful companies they want to grow.

Summer 2023 - Virtual Offering

Orie​ntation: Email for the recording.

Classes: Tuesdays, July 11 - September 5 | 5:30-8:30 p.m​.​

Location: Zoom

​​Registration Information

Registration Fee The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation is offering qualified applicants Entrepreneurial Training Grants that cover most of the $1,000 course fee. The grant covers 75 percent of the tuition, reducing your cost to $250.

Grant recipients must meet attendance requirements and complete a passing grade course workbook within 2 weeks of completion of the course, or will otherwise be responsible for the remaining $750.

Register for the 2023 Virtual Summer ETP

Program Reviews

"This information is priceless. I wish I would have taken the class before I started my business 3 years ago as the mistakes are plentiful and this class helps stop those from happening."

"The most valuable aspects of the program are the experience of the instructors and counselors in presenting the information that allowed me to look at my business with an objective, critical eye from a financial viability standpoint. Guest speakers were also highly valuable, particularly discussions about watching for pivot opportunities and how to scale."

Fee: $ 250.00