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Session 2 From Lab to Market: The Path to Commercialization for Milwaukee Innovators

Thu, Jan 14 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Session 2: IP and Licensing Overview for Your Institution

January 14th Session 2 Meeting Link

This session starts by giving an overview of intellectual property and licensing policies from a commercialization leader at your own institution. The group will then come back together and be given an introduction to America’s Seed Fund (SBIR/STTR) – a federal program that provides money for spin-outs, startups and other small businesses to develop early-stage technologies with commercial potential. In 2019, this program provided $3.7 billion in funding.

Presenters (institution-specific breakout groups):

• Concordia University: Dan Sem, Director of Technology Transfer

• MSOE: Sheku Kamara, Dean of Applied Research

• Marquette University: Kalpa Vithalani, Executive Director of Technology Transfer

• UWMRF: Jessica Silvaggi, Director of Technology Commercialization

• MCW: Kevin Boggs, Director of Office of Technology Development

More about this Series:

This is Session 2 in the Webinar Series: From Lab to Market: The Path to Commercialization for Milwaukee Innovators Do you have an innovative idea with commercial potential? This 3-part series will provide an overview of how to turn an abstract idea into a tangible product or service that can impact the world and make money. From vetting your idea to protecting intellectual property to funding technology development – This series is intended to introduce you to early steps in getting an idea to market.

Read More about this series and listen to the recording of Session 1

Fee: No Cost