Moving your Tech out of Academia
At this lunch and learn, hear from and interact with innovators and entrepreneurial ecosystem members about how to move your technology out of academia, with a focus on SBIR/STTR opportunities.
This expert panel designed for graduate students, postdocs, and other UW-Madison and alumni researchers and tech innovators will highlight key resources, best practices and what innovators, who've been there before, wish they would have known. If you are pursuing research that you are hoping to commercialize, you don’t want to miss this interactive panel!
- Dr. Carol Hirschmugl, COnovate
- Dr. Kevin Barnett, Pyran
- Dr. Eric Schmuck, Cellular Logistics
- Dr. Bonnie Bachman, UW-Madison Technology Entrepreneurship Office (TEO) and
- Robert Baranowski, JD, Wisconsin Center for Technology Commercialization (CTC)
- Introduction by: Abram Becker, Discovery to Product (D2P)
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact Wisconsin CTC at or call 701-320-7502.
Fee: No Cost