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Preparing for America’s Seed Fund Road Tour: Quad Chart & PM Conversations

Tue, Jun 25 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Topic: Government Contracting

Join BBCetc's expert in our virtual classroom and learn how to prepare for America’s Seed Fund Road Tour when it comes to Madison, WI on July 18th. Attendees can expect to learn how to prepare for a one-on-one with the federal SBIR/STTR program directors and how to develop a compelling quad chart to capture the federal officer’s attention and gain a better understand of what they are looking for.

This session will help you ask the right questions and make the most of your discussions with the federal officers.

You’ll Learn:

  • How to identify target Agencies
  • How to Develop Your Quad Chart
  • How to make the most of your on-on-ones
  • Tips to be competitive and more!

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About BBC Entrepreneurial Training & Consulting

BBCetc is nationally recognized for its success in helping emerging companies win SBIR/STTR funding and use it strategically to propel growth. BBCetc manages the Michigan SBIR/STTR Assistance program and our MI clients have been awarded over $444 million in funding since 2002. The company was named a 2020 Tibbetts award winner as well as one of 50 “Michigan companies to watch” by Michigan Celebrates Small Business. / 734.930.9741 / / @BBC_etc

Jerry headshot

BBCetc Executive Consultant and Co-owner, Jerry Hollister

Jerry Hollister became a Co-Owner of BBCetc in October 2023, six years after joining BBCetc in late 2017. Jerry leads the customer development efforts at BBCetc and the NSF/DOD/DOE/USDA Team that supports clients applying to these four Agencies. He led the 2021 Catalyst Award effort that continues as the Women-CAN program funded by the SBA’s Growth Accelerator Fund. Jerry leads the Technical and Business Assistance (TABA) Program for NOAA Phase I awardees. He currently serves as a reviewer for NSF, DOE, USDA and NOAA and regularly speaks about SBIR/STTR at several national conferences. Jerry started his career as a commissioned officer in the US Navy Civil Engineer Corps. Before his Honorable Discharge, he served as a warranted Contracting Officer for DOD. Prior to joining BBCetc, Jerry was Chief Operating Officer for Michigan-based Niowave, a developer of superconducting accelerators, where he worked to build the start-up company from 2008-17. During his tenure Jerry led the Niowave SBIR team that received over 45 SBIR/STTR awards worth over $20 million and Niowave was named the Department of Energy 2010 SBIR/STTR Small Business of the Year. He remains on the Niowave Board of Directors and was a key contributor to Niowave receiving two Phase III Cooperative Agreements with the National Nuclear Security Administration totaling $28 million. Niowave has also recently signed multiple long-term radioisotope supply agreements that could cumulatively exceed $500 million over the next decade. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Industrial and Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan and a Certificate in Artificial Intelligence from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Jerry has been in key leadership positions for two companies that have received the Tibbetts Award from the SBA for excellence in SBIR/STTR: Niowave in 2016 and BBCetc in 2020.

Fee: No Cost