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From Ideas to Products (Virtual)

Thu, Jun 26 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Topic: Start-up Assistance

You have an idea, you may have started the initial research on it, and now you're trying to see what's next?

Join us virtually to learn more about lean startup mechanics, the SBIR/STTR program, and the services that are provided by the CTC.


  • 11:30AM: Partner introductions
  • 11:45AM: From Ideas to Product Presentation
  • 12:30PM: Q&A + virtual networking

Lecturer: Rob Baranowski, MS, JD Technology Consultant, Center for Technology Commercialization Rob has deep knowledge in the areas of SBIR/STTR and Lean Startup. He also has expertise in grant writing, management and legal topics. He enjoys sharing his knowledge with clients to increase their chances of success. Join us to learn more about lean startup mechanics, the SBIR/STTR program, and the services that are provided at the Center for Technology Commercialization.

Event Partners:

  • Medical College of Wisconsin's Office of Technology Development (OTD) and Therapeutic Accelerator Program (TAP)
    • TAP helps translate research ideas into technologies that improve human health and require the assistance of different teams with diverse expertise.
    • OTD manages MCW discoveries, inventions, and other intellectual property assets and advance the technology from Patents to Patients®.
  • Marquette’s Economic Engagement Program in the Office of University Relations transforms Marquette discoveries into products and services for public benefit through Technology Transfer.
  • Office for Business & Entrepreneurship's programs are all reflections of our collaborative approach – connecting Wisconsin’s businesses with resources, data and one another to improve lives and communities across the state.
  • UW-Madison's Discovery to Product (D2P) provides resources that can help transform innovations originating at UW–Madison into products and services that change the world.
  • UW-Madison's Technology Entrepreneurship Office (TEO) serves as a critical bridge for transforming your potential solutions into tangible technologies, primarily through the NSF I-Corps program.
  • UW-Milwaukee Research Foundation serves and supports UW-Milwaukee faculty and student research through the fostering of partnerships, igniting startups through programming, and leveraging IP.
  • Wisconsin SBDC offers consulting, education, referrals, sophisticated tools and resources, whether you’re just getting started or looking for ways to improve your business.

Note: Registration information may be shared with our event partners.

MCW OTD logo | MCW Tap Logo | MarquetteEEO | OBE logo | D2P Logo | TEO Logo | UWMRF logo | SBDC Logo

Fee: No Cost

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